Well, first off, Donnie and I went camping this weekend. This was my first time camping and I loved it! I peed in the woods, swam in a lake, sat around and did nothing, cooked food over the campfire, slept in a soaking wet tent and saw beautiful night skies. It was a much needed mini-vacation for us, and I can't wait to do it again. I even got to knock two goals off of my 101 list - visiting a place in Michigan I've never been to and going camping. Foodwise, I was pretty good. I didn't intend on staying 100% on plan, so overall I was happy with how I handled things. I packed way too much food. I planned for more meals than we ate there and just wasn't hungry enough for a full three meals plus snacks. I made a big batch of smoothies at home and threw it in a ziploc bag, and had that for breakfast two of the three days. Donnie and I ended up going out to breakfast on Sunday and I went off plan and had a veggie omelet, hashbrowns, toast and orange juice. Oh man, did I pay for that. It was yummy, though! I definitely know that I need to avoid dairy (the cheese in the omelet, ugh), or at least get better about taking a Lactaid when I do have it. I have gotten so accustomed to just ignoring my lactose intolerance because I never got around to buying more Lactaid, and I just can't do that. I also had a very late night grilled cheese cooked over the fire, a couple of small hamburgers, and a couple of s'mores. Oh, and of course there was some drinking. Other than that, though, I had my smoothies, munched on veggies and my first (crappy) attempt at salsa, chicken kabobs, fruit and almonds. I am still sore from swimming which feels great but is upsetting and a sure sign that I need to start working out.
On the diet front, overall I'm doing really well. Donnie makes me so happy when he tells me how proud he is of me! I've been struggling more and more as life as gotten busier, but I'm doing the best I can. I had one night about a week ago where I wound up eating a bunch of crap and definitely paid for it the next day. As much as I hate feeling yucky, I like the reminder to stick to my guns. I had stomach problems for a long time, but shortly after starting the Ultra-Metabolism diet all was well and I couldn't be happier. I've decided to extend the Phase I detox to four weeks instead of the three it's supposed to be, since I've been straying a bit.
Now for some PCOS stuff. My cycle is completely irregular when I'm not on birth control. I went off the pill back in January because my prescription ran out and I just haven't gotten to the doctor yet. I'm thinking I want to stay off of medication if I can, though. I want to see how my body is naturally functioning and how the lifestyle changes I'm making are effecting the various health issues I have. Anywho, so, my period has been every 2-3 months since going off the pill. My last period was July 18. So, color me surprised when Sunday brought on a new cycle! That means I had a 33 day cycle! WTF?! I'm being optimistic and thinking it's because my body is responding to the new way of eating and it's already having a positive effect on my hormones. I'm really hoping this is what it is, because that would make me SO happy! I can't wait to see all of the other changes I will see as time goes on.
Here are some pictures of food I've had lately.
This was salmon I made with a honey dijon sauce recipe I found on All Recipes.

Homemade hummus and veggies...mmmmmmmmmm

This is what I got when we ordered Chinese - steamed veggies, shrimp, chicken, scallops and lobster. So good! I skipped the brown sauce and forgot to specify brown rice so I had to make my own. I'm so excited to be able to order Chinese without worrying!

A yummy tuna lunch

Cilantro lime chicken with peppers, onion and rice

Italian herb and lemon chicken with artichokes and rice

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