For those of you who have never been overweight, you may not understand how excited I am about my latest "I think I may be losing weight" realization. I swear my legs are getting thinner. I've noticed over the last few days that my thighs don't seem to touch as much as they used to. I don't feel like I'm losing weight, but I can FEEL a difference in my legs when I'm walking or standing. I wear a t-shirt for work and you can't even see where my thighs touch because the shirt falls lower. I don't think I'm just imagining this! But even if I am, it's motivating me, and that's enough for me.
It doesn't look like I'm going to ovulate this cycle. Taking my temperature drove me crazy too much. I started taking it at 5:25am because I randomly woke up at that time the day I wanted to start. This led to stressing over getting enough sleep, sleeping poorly, and waking up WAY earlier than I wanted. We also turned the a/c off during this cycle and started sleeping with the windows open, and that seems to have really thrown things off. My cervical mucus doesn't seem to be showing any changes in my hormones, either. We will see how things go in future cycles.
I've started really trying to focus on my diet again. I am trying to make sure we eat home more than we were, so I'm trying
once a month cooking. Now, I don't have the freezer space for a month's worth of meals, but I have five meals in the freezer right now and have two more that I will make in the next day or two. Our biggest issue is not planning ahead and when it comes time for dinner we can't decide on anything, are missing a bunch of ingredients or just don't feel like spending the time to make anything, so we order out. I'm really excited to see how this works out for us.
On another note, I found out today that I am eligible for the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) exam that I registered for, so I ordered my study guides today and will be taking the exam on October 16th! I'm so excited! I don't know if this will help me find a job in the near future or not, but it won't hurt when I apply for jobs.